With that said, Song of Saya is a visual novel I have enjoyed. I have no problems with them in general, they are just not my cup of tea. I’ll be honest I don’t dabble much in the visual novel arena. NSFW Rating: 10 disfigured, monstrous creatures out of 10. Needless to say, it didn’t work and probably added incentive to complete other projects of this sort. I die a little inside with every page view." It's like coming across a picture of your daughter. "Seriously, whoever is doing the Elizabeth porn on deviantart, please stop it. A year after the release of Bioshock Infinite, creator Ken Levine spoke out imploring people to stop their pornographic creations. The familial relation between Booker and Elizabeth adds an uncomfortable layer of incest to this game as well. Needless to say, “I hope they don’t find us here” takes on a different meaning when you are engaged in sexual activity instead of hiding from homicidal townspeople. The game was made by using dialogue clips of Elizabeth from the game. The reason this one stands out is the subject matter and the creator’s response. It seems some devoted fans take it upon themselves to make pornographic parodies of the most recent and popular AAA releases. It wasn’t until I read Amanda’s piece here on GameSkinny that I even knew this game even existed. NSFW rating: 10 ruined memories of Bioshock Infinite out of 10.