Thanks to FiachDubh for reporting that autosaving didn't work in version 1.0.1 Thanks to RJ the Shadow for reporting that I hadn't uploaded the correct files in my initial upload of v1.0.1 Thanks to The 3rd Type for reporting the bugs fixed in v1.0.1 Thanks to Bethesda Games Studios and Obsidian Entertainment for Fallout: New Vegas and the New Vegas GECKĬASM:NV was made by Mark Hanna, a.k.a. Thanks to Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (ianpatt, behippo and scruggsywuggsy the ferret) for NVSE. If you use assets directly, please give credit. If you wish to use anything that you find in CASM:NV, feel free to do so without my permission. Please don't upload CASM:NV anywhere without my permission. Compiled with NVSE 1.0 beta 4 to support New Vegas' patch Save interval menu now functions as expected

Minimum health percentage at which to save Each profile uses a separate set of save slots. The menu allows you to change various settings within CASM:NV

In order to reach CASM:NV's settings menu, hold down your hotkey for 1 second. To uninstall CASM:NV, simply deactivate CASM.esp in the mod manager of your choice. NVSE can be downloaded from its homepage: To install CASM:NV, simply place CASM.esp in your Data folder and activate it in the mod manager of your choice.ĬASM:NV requires NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender), so you must start Fallout: New Vegas via the NVSE loader in order for CASM:NV to function correctly. Automatically after a certain length of time This is achieved by cycling through a certain number of saves, so that older saves are still overridden but there are also always previous saves available if you need to reload a save earlier than your last one. Cipscis' Automatic Save Manager: New Vegas - CASM:NVĬASM:NV replaces Fallout: New Vegas' saving system so that you no longer have to rely on only a single autosave or quicksave to fall back on.